Pastor Jovan Edward Cline
Senior Pastor

John I. Cline
Known for his love for God and his compassion for people, Bishop Cline was elected to the BVI Health Services Authority Board in March 2012 where he presently serves as Chairman.
Bishop Cline attributes his success to the influence of Godly parents, strong family ties, a caring church and a supportive community. He desires to “Pass it on!”.

Masburn Cyrille
Pastor M. Cyrille, better known as “The Rock”, is a true and committed man of God who continues to provide unwavering support for Bishop and other members of the pastoral body. Pastor Cyrille has taught Sunday School for many years as he firmly believes in the growth of a Christian through the study of God’s word. He is an encourager to the body of Christ and is well loved by all.
Pastor Cyrille is married to Lady Lorraine.

Claude O. Cline
Some know him as Pastor, others as an intellectual, prolific orator, while others may refer to him as marriage and relationship counselor. No matter the point of reference, what is most important is that he is a man of God who serves faithfully and unconditionally on the ministerial staff of the NLBC. His ability to transcend his delivery of the gospel through widening spiritual parameters in order to reach a diverse number of people from all walks of life is paramount.
Pastor Claude is married to Lady Chaunci and is father to their son, Dylan.

Colin Gunthrope
Pastor Colin is a caring Pastor whose heartbeat is for the youth development. He has served as Youth Pastor of the NLBC for the past ten years and has gained the reputation of being ‘the best’ Youth Pastor in this region.
Pastor Colin is respected by not just our youths, but any young person with whom he comes in contact.

Albert Wheatley
Pastor Wheatley has served this ministry in many capacities and has stood as a faithful Pastor who is commited to fulfilling the vision of the Leader. He believes in creatively delivering the Word using real life experiences that can be understood by all generations. He is a passionate community advocate with a heart for youth development.
Pastor Wheatley values his relationship with wife, Lady Gloria and their three children, sons Joshua and Lance, and daughter Jessi.

Calvin Hendrickson
Pastor Calvin Hendrickson is a true servant of God, having served the ministry faithfully for the past twenty years. His profound knowledge of the Word, wealth of wisdom and experience in the ministry are greatly valued.
Pastor Hendrickson is a devoted father and husband. He is married to Lady Mary and is the father of four daughters.

Elsworth Percival
Pastor Percival’s dedication and contribution to the body over the years can never go unnoticed.
He has served in many capacities, including Sunday School Ministry and Bible Study. He has also been an excellent support in operations and maintenance.

Carlton O'Neal
Pastor Carlton O’Neal is the youngest of our Ministers but his work in the ministry speaks volumes. He has a powerful and unique anointing upon his life to preach and also to minister in song. Pastor O’Neal enjoys doing the work of God and is readily available to assist whenever called upon. He is a role model for many young emerging leaders and aspiring Ministers of the Gospel.
Pastor O’Neal is married to Sister Shakesha and is the proud father of their son.

Carthyann Tittle
Prophetess Carthy-Ann Tittle, a warrior for the Kingdom, is well known for her powerful and dynamic ministry to women. As Director of the Family Life Ministry she has sought to include, involve and activate members who were otherwise not active in the body, while encouraging those who were already active.
Prophetess Tittle is married to Minister Henderson Tittle and is the mother of their two children.

Henderson Tittle
Minister Henderson Tittle is considered to be one of the most sought after ministers today as a result of the calling on his life for mentoring young men. His passion goes well beyond the church as he reaches young men from all walks of life.
He is the Founder ofMentoring Anointed Leaders Everywhere (M.A.L.E.) a ministry that has touched and changed the lives of many.
Minister Henderson is married to Minister Carthyann and has two children.

Lenell Stevens
Minister Lenell Stevens is one of the most dedicated ministers in the body of New Life as it relates to the Media Ministry. His commitment to the ministry has allowed our broadcasts to be heard and our services to be streamed live in several Caribbean Islands. He has truly helped us to execute our motto of ‘Bringing the Master’s Word’.
Minister Lenell is married to Sister Michelle and is the father of two sons.

Mary Baltimore
Evangelist Maggie Baltimore is a stalwart and longtime servant in the body of Christ. She is a mentor, prayer warrior, encourager and a counselor to many.
She is very passionate about the things of God and has a heart for family and relationships, serving alongside her husband, Deacon Baltimore to lead the Relationship Enrichment Ministry.

Mitchell Blaize
Pastor Mitchell Blaize is known for his very detailed and in-depth discussions of the Word. He has worn several hats in his walk as a minister at the NLBC. He has faithfully served as Church Accountant, as well as Sunday School Superintendent and was very dedicated in these roles. He is also credited for forming the first NLBC Boys Brigade.
Pastor Blaize is the father of three children and is married to Sister Yolanda.

Walter Barrett
Pastor Barrett is actively living out his purpose with strong Biblical principles at the forefront of his ministry. His understanding of the Word and gift for reaching young men led him to become an advocate for prisoners and mentor to many.
He is a solid preacher who knows how to communicate his message in ways applicable to everyday living.
Pastor Barrett is married to Sister Gemma and has three children.

Greg Smith